We are currently promoting quality programs by quality staff to our community. One area that has been identified as beneficial to our students is the Arts. Many of our students have talents that aren’t demonstrated in Literacy or Numeracy, but can be shown through the Arts. We are very fortunate to have members of staff with those talents as well. By making the Arts a focus of our school, we are building the confidence of our students and promoting our school to the community.

Friday Arts-ternoon

Each Friday, students in Years 4 – 6 participate in the Friday Arts-ternoon. Students choose a topic delivered within the Arts. This may be Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music or Visual Arts. This semester, programs offered include:

  • Film Studio
  • Sculpture and Weaving
  • Aborginal Dance
  • Drumbeat
  • Sketching and Charcoal
  • eBook Creator
  • Choir
  • Jump Jam
  • Artist Experience

The Ensemble

Students are given a chance to learn a musical instrument through working with The Ensemble. Students can choose to learn keyboard, guitar or drums. This includes participating in after school sessions.